Farewell Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues

A Farewell Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues is formal correspondence sent to your coworkers informing them that you will be officially leaving the company. It is typically sent shortly after your resignation has been approved and just before you go.

The end of a relationship, even a professional one, can seem daunting, especially if you don’t know what to say. It is essential to both you and your colleagues that you leave things on good terms. The following is all you need to know to draft this letter.


When Should You Send Your Farewell Letter?

It is considered professional to inform your employer and the management about your resignation before sending a letter to your colleagues. This will help prevent the awkwardness of your boss finding out about your resignation through your coworkers.

You also want to send your letter after you have completed most of your tasks but not so late that your coworkers don’t have enough time to say goodbye in person.

Writing Tips for a Farewell Letter to Colleagues

Knowing what to say and what not is as important as the message of your resignation. Consider the following tips when crafting your message:

  • Maintain a polite, upbeat, and professional tone
  • Provide exact details about your resignation and destination, unless the information is private
  • Avoid sounding hostile and confrontational about your former boss or company.
  • Don’t criticize our coworkers.
  • Express gratitude for the time spent with your colleagues.
  • Keep your message short, precise, and to the point.

What to Include in Your Letter

A Farewell Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues should focus on your departure from the company, the time spent there, and your hopes for the future. It should also only be sent to colleagues you were close with during your time at the company.

When crafting your letter, include the following details:

  • The address of each recipient, including their names
  • Details about your time at the company and your resignation
  • A personalized anecdote or joke to make the letter more meaningful
  • Gratitude for help you may have received from the reader.
  • A statement expressing how you enjoyed working with your colleagues
  • Your contact information and a statement urging your coworkers to reach out to you

Sample Subject Lines for Your Farewell Message

Farewell letters are usually sent to people you were close with during your employment, which means they can recognize your name. The typical subject line will contain your name and a short phrase that captures the nature of your message. If you are stuck on a subject line, consider the following examples:

  • Gregory Philips – Update
  • Gregory Philips – News of Resignation
  • Gregory Philips – Moving On
  • Resignation News from Gregory Philips

Farewell Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues (Format)


{Colleague or Department Name}

{Company Name}

{Company Address}

{City, State, Zip Code}

Re: Farewell

Dear members of {department name} or colleagues,

As you already know by now, I will be leaving my position as {job title} at {company name} on {departure date}. While I am excited about the opportunities the future holds for me, I am also sad to be saying goodbye to all of you. I will miss you.

The {duration} I have worked with you have been some of the best and most fruitful in my life. I am proud of {mention achievements}, which would have never been possible without your cooperation and the encouragement of {mention some colleagues}.

Although this letter marks the end of my time at {company name}, it should not signify the end of our friendship. Please feel free to reach out to me at {contact information} whenever you want to {visit/grab lunch etc.}.

It has been a pleasure working with all of you. Farewell and good luck.


{Your Name}

{Job Position}

Sample Goodbye Email to Colleagues After Resignation

Date: 30 December 2030

From: samueljenkins@vtech.com

To: salesdepartment@vtech.com

Subject: Leaving VTech Company

Dear Sales Department Members,

You may have heard that I resigned from my position as lead Sales Representative at VTech Company on 30 December 2030. If not, allow me to deliver the news and say that I will miss working with every one of you. It has been a pleasure.

While I have left the company, I have not turned my back on the friendships we built during my 7 years at VTC. I hope to stay in touch with all of you, and you can reach me at samueljenkins.com if you are ever in the area.

Once again, goodbye and all the best.


Samuel Jenkins

Former Sales Representative

Sample Farewell Email to Colleagues on Last Working Day

Date: 30 December 2030

From: janedaisy@isolutions.com

To: engineeringdepartment@isolutions.com

Subject: Leaving the Company

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to inform you that today marks my official last day as Software Engineer at ISolutions Ltd. I have already handed in my resignation, which has been approved, and I plan to clear my desk by close of business today. While I am excited about the future, I am also sad to say goodbye to you.

Working in the Engineering Department for the last 6 years has been an absolute honour. The entire team has been accommodating and helpful from the minute I stumbled into the office with my big glasses perched on my forehead. To date, I still remember how Pauline tried so hard not to laugh at me until I laughed myself and you all joined in.

Please know that this Is not the end of our friendship. Feel free to reach out to me at janedaisy.com anytime you want to catch up for coffee or lunch.


Jane Daisy

Software Engineer

Sample Farewell Message to Colleague Leaving the Company

30 December 2030

Timothy Vanderwaal

ISolutions Ltd.

112 Prince Street

Jersey City, NJ 42314

Re: Farewell as You Leave ISolutions Ltd.

Dear Timothy,

I know nothing is meant to last forever, but I thought I still had more time with you. After 6 years of working side by side with you, I am beyond sad to see you go. Nonetheless, I will take this news in my stride and be grateful for the time we had together as colleagues and friends.

I can still remember the day you almost fell into the office because you were trying to look cool perching your glasses on your forehead. The moment you laughed at yourself, I knew we were destined to be friends. I am proud of the projects we have completed together and cherish your professional advice.

As you embark on this new journey, I wish you nothing but the best. Keep in touch.


Pauline Ulises

Software Technician

Farewell Letter to Colleagues (Word Template)

Farewell Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues

Key Takeaway

Even though you are leaving your former place of employment, you don’t need to burn the bridges built while you were there. Your Letter Saying Goodbye to Colleagues should inform all your close coworkers about your departure as well as inform them of how they can reach you if necessary. The goal is to make them feel that, although you are leaving, your relationship will remain intact.