We at Farewellletter.com collect email information when the user downloads either our free, or paid templates. Farewellletter.com will use this email information to send you to download instructions and payment receipts. Farewellletter.com will not share your email information with any third party for any reason whatsoever, including promotional or marketing.
Be fully aware that Farewellletter.com utilizes cookies to provide our users with better services and overall experiences and target advertisements. These cookies will not store any personal information of the user.
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Farewellletter.com may choose to display Google advertisements on web pages. Google uses its own Dart cookie system to display targeted advertisements. Suppose you would like to familiarize yourself with Googles cookie usage and policy. In that case, you may do so by reading Google’s “Ads and Content Network Privacy Policy” found at the following link: http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/ads.
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Advertisements displayed or links to other websites at Farewellletter.com may take the user to third party websites. These websites have their own privacy policies. We strongly urge you to read their privacy policies before utilizing their services. This policy regarding third party links is not applicable once the user leaves Farewellletter.com
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By using Farewellletter.com, the user automatically agrees to abide by all applicable state, central laws, as well as our own policies as stated herein.
Farewellletter.com does not, and never will endorse the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of subjective statements and/or claims made by users of the website when interacting with other users, of the website itself. Users of this website are encouraged to enter into any interactions under their own discretion, as Farewellletter.com takes no responsibility whatsoever with regards to the consequences of those interactions.
Copyright Information
Any and all rights, including usage rights, credits, and copyrights of templates, themes, and digital assets used in any way by Farewellletter.com remain the sole property of their creators. Farewellletter.com makes no claim to ownership of these artifacts, which are used solely as an educational and enrichment source for users of the site.
The content, including text and visual, is under the protection of the state and central copyright and data theft laws. Any individuals or entities which compromise or attempt to compromise these laws will be reported to the proper law enforcement authorities, post haste. Under no circumstances may any user take content owned by Farewellletter.com and market it as their own.