Leaving a situation, be it a job, residence, neighborhood, or military service, can be difficult on both you and the people you are leaving behind. Rather than just pack your things and go, you can choose to commemorate the time you had with these people by writing a farewell letter.
A farewell letter is a formal or semi-formal message informing the reader that you will be leaving and inviting them to maintain contact with you. It is your chance to commemorate your time with them, leave a lasting impression, and preserve old relationships.
Are you or someone you love or work with leaving for a new opportunity soon? These Farewell Letter Samples and Writing Tips can help you say goodbye in style.
Who Should Receive a Farewell Letter?
Essentially, the answer to this question will depend on the situation you are leaving. Are you graduating from college, moving out of state, or leaving your job? It also matters the number of people who will be affected by your departure. For example, you cannot send your boss a farewell letter because you are moving to a new house if it does not affect your employment.
Some possible recipients of a farewell letter include:
- Your coworkers and colleagues
- Your employer, trainer, or mentor
- Your teachers or fellow students
- Your friends
- Close neighbors
What to Include in a Farewell Letter
While you may have a lot to say to the reader, a farewell message is not the place to complain about your circumstances or launch into a long monologue of your future. You want to keep things as clear, simple, ad positive as possible.
The most important information to include in Farewell Letter includes:
- A note of thanks to the reader for their influence in your life
- A brief description of your future plans
- An offer to stay in touch and your contact information
When to Send a Farewell Letter
It is never a good idea to send your farewell letter too early or too late. If you send it too early, the recipient will be agonizing over your leaving for too long, which can be distracting. They might also forget when exactly you are supposed to go. If you send it too late, on the other hand, the recipient may miss a chance to say goodbye to you in person.
As a rule of thumb, try to send your letter at least a day or two before you have to leave, especially in an office setting. You can allow more time for less formal situations, such as with your friends.
Farewell Letter Format
{Recipient’s Name}
{Recipient’s Address}
{City, State, Zip Code}
Subject: Moving On
Dear {recipient’s name},
I am writing to inform you that my time at {name the situation, e.g., state name/company name/school name, etc.} will be coming to an end on {insert the date you will be leaving}. I have enjoyed my time as your {colleague/student/friend/neighbor} these last {duration, e.g., three years} and will miss you.
You have been a {mention reader’s positive qualities}, and for this, I would like to thank you. I hope my leaving doesn’t cause us to drift apart as I would like to continue our friendship. If you wish, you can contact me at {your new contact information}.
Thank you once again for your kindness and farewell.
{Your Name}
Sample Farewell Letter to Boss
16 February 2031
Haley Cooper
ABC Company
110 Highland Road
San Francisco, CA 29009
Subject: Thank You and Farewell
Dear Mr. Cooper,
As indicated in my approved resignation letter, I will be leaving ABC Company on 18 February 2031. I am writing to thank you for the opportunity to learn from and work for you these last five years. It has been an absolute pleasure and a high point in my career.
I am particularly grateful for your mentorship, which has helped me grow as a person and a professional. Your remarkable kindness and patience will remain with me always.
As I leave, I wish you and the team nothing but the best.
Thank you once again, and farewell.
Even Price
Sample Farewell Letter to Employee
16 February 2031
Margaret Day
123 Industries
300 Rose Road
Cleveland, OH 2900
Subject: Farewell and Best Wishes
Dear Mrs. Day,
I was sad to receive your resignation letter on 11 February 2031. As you prepare to leave 123 Industries, I would like to thank you for your service and stellar performance these last seven years. You were indeed an asset to the company and a great addition to the team.
The Marketing Department will surely feel your loss. On behalf of them and the management, I thank you for your creativity, dedication, and perseverance. You will always have a place on our wall of fame for your remarkable achievement with the Detrex account.
If you ever need our help, feel free to contact us at 123industries.com.
Farewell, and all the best.
Jeremy Miller
Sample Farewell Letter to Friend
16 February 2031
Sam Heugan
123 Gate Bridge
Jersey City, NJ 65660
Re: I Will Miss You
Dear Sam,
I am writing to inform you that I received my school admission letter yesterday. From the look of things, I will be leaving New Jersey on 24 February 2031. I will miss you greatly.
Being your friend these last 14 years has been an absolute joy, and I cannot imagine not seeing you every day. I will miss our morning jogs and lazy afternoons at the movies. Please don’t go without me.
Although I will be away most of the time, I will visit whenever I can. Meanwhile, you can contact me at [email protected] at any time.
Be well.
With love,
Farewell Letter Template (MS Word)
Farewell Letter Samples
Farewell letter samples are easy-to-read, well-written example messages designed to give you an idea of how to say goodbye to different people in different situations. You can use them for inspiration when drafting your letter if you can’t find the right words to say.
Goodbye Letter Examples & Templates
These are sample messages written in the correct format and structure of a goodbye letter. They cover a wide range of instances under which you may need to say goodbye to those close to you.
Key Takeaways
The best way to leave any place or situation is by leaving everyone with a smile on their face. Your farewell letter is not one last chance to complain about your circumstances or make others feel envious of your new opportunities. Instead, it is a chance to maintain your network even in your absence.